Hanan Issa
Poet and Writer
A mixed heritage poet from Wales, Hanan started writing from the age of very young age of 6 and has her work can now be seen on number different platforms including muslimgirl.com, SISTERS magazine and sister-hood magazine. She has also made appearances on major Muslim television networks BMTV and Islam Channel as well as performing poetry and spoken word at the Wales Millennium Centre’s International Women’s Day and on BBC Radio Wales’ Arts Show. She’s also had her winning monologue feature as part of the Bush Theatre’s Hijabi Monologues project that came out this year. The many great achievements don’t stop there, she is also the co-organiser of Cardiff’s first BAME open mic series entitled ‘Where I’m Coming From.’ Suffice it to say, Hanan is definitely one to be inspired by for those budding creative types out there.