Event at Cyprus High Commission and CHOGM18

Event at Cyprus High Commission and CHOGM18

Change the Script (CTS) was hosted by HE Euripides L Evriviades, the High Commissioner and the National Commision on Muslim Women, at the High Commission of the Republic of Cyprus, London.

As part of CHOGM 2018 Women’s’ Forum, the CTS team were invited to participate in a series of events on gender equality and women’s empowerment as well highlighting the impact of women’s political, economic and societal contribution.

Please view our gallery of photographs for this event.


This event was possible with the support from:

His Excellency Euripides L Evriviades

His Excellency Suleiman AlMazrui

The Secretary General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Mr. Akbar Khan

Honourable Emilia Lifaka, Chair Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Shavanah Taj